Digital Marketing Ordbog
Velkommen til Digital Marketing Ordbog, din komplette ressource for alt inden for digital markedsføring. Vi har samlet en omfattende ordbog, der forklarer de vigtigste termer og begreber, så du kan blive bedre rustet til at navigere i det digitale landskab. Uanset om du er en erfaren marketingekspert eller lige er startet din rejse inden for digital markedsføring, finder du her alt, hvad du behøver for at forstå og mestre faget.
- A/B split testing automation
- A/B-test
- A/B-testprioriteringsmatrix
- Abandoned cart email sequence
- Abandonment-genaktivering
- Above the fold
- Ad Impression
- Ad Scheduling
- Ad Scheduling
- Ad Targeting
- Adblockers
- Adfærdsbaseret målretning
- Advertorials
- Affiliate marketing
- Affiliate Network
- Afvisningsprocent
- Agil markedsføring
- Ahrefs
- AI-powered send time optimization
- AIDA Model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)
- ALT-attributten
- AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
- AMP for email
- Ankertekst
- Ansoffs Vækstmatrice
- ATL vs BTL Marketing (Above The Line vs Below The Line)
- Atomic Design
- Attributionsmodeller
- Audience Targeting
- Augmented Reality (AR) Marketing
- Automatisering af digital markedsføring
- Autonomous Marketing
- AVOD (Advertising-Based Video on Demand)
- B2C-marketing
- Backlink
- Balanced Scorecard
- BCG Matrix in Digital Product Strategy
- Behavioral Modeling (Google Analytics 4)
- Behavioral trigger emails
- Benchmarking
- Betaling pr. klik (PPC)
- Betalingsproces-optimering
- Betalt reklame
- Betalt søgning (PPC)
- Bid Adjustments
- Billed-SEO
- BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification)
- BIMI-implementering
- Bing Ads
- Black Hat SEO
- Blockchain Marketing
- Blogmarketing
- Blue Ocean Strategy in Digital Marketing
- Brand arketyper
- Brand awareness
- Brand coherence måling
- Brand congruence strategi
- Brand Equity
- Brand equity driver analyse
- Brand equity måling
- Brand equity til revenue-model
- Brand essence mapping
- Brand extension impact analyse
- Brand lift studie
- Brand Positioning
- Brand recall optimering
- Brand resonans model
- Brand sentiment analyse
- Brand touchpoint-optimering
- Brand trust index
- Brand voice guidelines
- Brand-centrisk vækststrategi
- Brand-to-demand funnel
- Brandaktiveringskampagne
- Brandambassadørprogram
- Branded content effektivitet
- Branded vs. non-branded søgeordsstrategi
- Brandidentitets-kongruens
- Brandidentitets-prisma
- Brandloyalitetsprogram ROI
- Brandoplevelse
- Brandoplevelse vs. kundetilfredshed
- Brandoplevelsesdesign
- Brandoplevelseskortlægning
- Brandpersonligheds-skala
- Brandpositioneringsmatrix
- Brandstyrke-scorecard
- Brandværdi-beregning
- Brandværdiproposition-test
- Brugerflow-optimering
- Brugergenereret indhold (UGC)
- Brugergrænseflade (UI)
- Brugeroplevelse (UX)
- Brugervenlighedstest
- Budstrategi
- Business Model Canvas (BMC) Model
- Buying Cycle
- Cache
- Call to action (CTA)
- Call to Action Button
- CDN (Content Delivery Network) for Marketing
- Chatbot Marketing
- Chatbot Marketing
- Chatbot-konverteringsstrategi
- ChatGPT
- Chrome Webshop / Extensions
- Chrome Webshop / Extensions
- Churn Rate
- Churn Rate
- Churn-forebyggelsesautomatisering
- Claude
- Click Fraud
- Click Fraud
- Click Path
- Click Path
- Click Tracking
- Click Tracking
- Client ID (Google Analytics 4)
- Consent Mode V2
- Content Amplification
- Content Amplification
- Content Atomization
- Content Atomization
- Content Curation
- Content Curation
- Content Farming
- Content Hub
- Content Hub
- Content Management System
- Content marketing
- Content Pillar
- Content Pillar
- Content Syndication
- Content Syndication
- Contextual Design
- Contextual Links
- Contextual Links
- Contextual Targeting
- Contextual Targeting
- Conversational Marketing
- Conversion Attribution
- Conversion Attribution
- Conversion Delay
- Conversion Delay
- Conversion Path
- Conversion Path
- Conversion Window
- Conversion Window
- Cookie Consent
- Cookie Consent
- Cookie Retargeting
- Cookie Retargeting
- Cookies (internet)
- Copywriting
- Core Web Vitals optimering
- Cost Per Acquisition
- Cost Per Acquisition
- Cost Per Lead
- Cost Per Lead
- Cost Per Thousand (CPM)
- Cost Per View
- Cost Per View
- CPA (Cost Per Action)
- CPCV (Cost Per Completed View)
- CPD (Cost Per Download)
- CPE (Cost Per Engagement)
- CPF (Cost Per Fan)
- CPI (Cost Per Install)
- CPO (Cost Per Order)
- CPQL (Cost Per Qualified Lead)
- CPS (Cost Per Sale)
- CPV (Cost Per View)
- Crawl Depth
- Crawl Depth
- Crawl-budget
- CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) Tools
- Cross-Channel Marketing
- Cross-Channel Marketing
- Crossposting
- Crowdtesting
- CSS Grid Layout
- CTA (Call-to-Action) Heatmaps
- Customer Acquisition Cost
- Customer Acquisition Cost
- Customer Data Platform (CDP)
- Customer Engagement
- Customer Engagement
- Customer Journey Mapping
- Customer Journey Mapping
- Customer Lifetime Value
- Customer Lifetime Value
- Customer Lifetime Value-prognose
- Customer Onboarding
- Customer Onboarding
- Customer Touchpoints
- DanDomain
- Dark mode email design
- Dark Mode Email Marketing
- Dark Social
- Data Anonymization
- Data Clean Room
- Data Enrichment
- Data Import (Google Analytics 4)
- Data Management Platform
- Data Mining
- Data Retention (Google Analytics 4)
- Data Stream (Google Analytics 4)
- Data-Driven Decision Making
- Datadrevet budgetallokering
- Datadrevet budgetallokering
- Datadrevet markedsføring
- Datavisualisering
- Deep Linking
- Deepfake Marketing
- Default Reporting Identity (Google Analytics 4)
- Demografisk målretning
- Digital B2B-markedsføring
- Digital Experience Platform (DXP)
- Digital markedsføring
- Digital Twin Technology for E-commerce
- Digitale markedsføringskanaler
- Digitale marketingkampagner
- Displayannoncering
- DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)
- DKIM-signatur
- DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance)
- DMP (Data Management Platform) vs CDP
- Domæneautoritet
- Domænetillid
- DOOH (Digital Out-of-Home) Advertising
- Double opt-in proces
- Drip campaign automation
- DSP (Demand-Side Platform) in Programmatic Advertising
- DuPont Pyramiden
- Dybt link
- Dynamic countdown timers
- Dynamic Keyword Insertion
- Dynamisk indholdsblokke
- Dynamisk indholdsblokke
- Dynamisk produktannoncering
- Dynamisk remarketing
- Dynamiske annoncer
- Dynamiske søgeannoncer
- E-A-T SEO-strategi
- E-mail marketing
- E-mail-automatisering
- Earned Media
- Edge Computing in Marketing
- EFU modellen
- Email accessibility guidelines
- Email authentication protocols
- Email campaign attribution modeling
- Email client market share
- Email content personalization engine
- Email deliverability score
- Email design system implementation
- Email engagement scoring
- Email frequency optimization
- Email list growth tactics
- Email list segmentation engine
- Email marketing API integration
- Email marketing automation platform
- Email marketing compliance audit
- Email marketing ROI calculator
- Email performance benchmarking
- Email preview tool
- Email render testing
- Email suppression list management
- Emoji Marketing
- Emotionel branding touchpoints
- Emotionel brandingsstrategi
- Emotionel brandtilknytning
- Emotionel købsrejse
- Emotionel segmentering
- Emotionel vs. funktionel branding
- Engaged Sessions (Google Analytics 4)
- Engagement Marketing
- Engagement rate
- Engagement Rate
- Enhanced Measurement (Google Analytics 4)
- Ephemeral Content
- ESP - Email Service Provider
- Exit-intentions-popup
- Experience Economy
- Facebook Audience Insights
- Facebook Business Manager
- Facebook Canvas Ads
- Facebook Lead Ad-optimering
- Facebook Pixel-implementering
- Facebook-annonceplacement-test
- Facebook-annoncering
- Facebook-forretningsside
- Facebook-karruselannoncer
- Facebooks annoncebibliotek
- Featured snippets
- First User Medium
- First User Source
- First-Party Data Strategy
- Flat Rate Advertising
- Floating Ads
- Fokusgruppeinterview
- Forældreløse sider
- Forbrugernes beslutningsrejse
- Formularelement-optimering
- Førsteparts-cookies
- Frekvens
- Frequency Capping
- Funnel
- Gæsteblogging
- Gamification in Marketing
- GDPR Compliance
- GDPR Compliance
- GDPR-compliant email practices
- Geofencing
- Geolocation-based email content
- Geolokationsmålretning
- Geotargeting
- Google Ads
- Google AdSense
- Google Adwords
- Google Analytics
- Google Business Profile
- Google Consent Mode
- Google Index
- Google Keyword Planner
- Google Looker Studio
- Google Merchant Center
- Google My Business
- Google Search Console
- Google Shopping
- Google Signals
- Google Site Tag (Google Analytics 4)
- Google Tag Manager
- Google Trends
- Googlebot
- Googles algoritme
- Googles søgeoperatorer
- Growth Marketing
- Guerilla Marketing
- Hard Bounce
- Hashtag
- Header Bidding
- Headless CMS
- Heatmap
- Heatmap Analysis
- Heatmap-analyse implementering
- Henvisningstrafik
- Henvisningswebsted
- Holistic SEO
- Holistisk brandmåling
- Hreflang-tag
- HTML-sitemap
- HTTP Error 500
- HTTP-statuskode
- HubSpot
- Human-Centered Design
- Hyper-Local Marketing
- Hyper-Personalization
- Hyper-Personalization
- Hyperlink
- Identity Resolution
- Immersive Marketing
- Inbound leadgenerering
- Inbound Links
- Inbound Marketing
- Inbound Sales
- Inbox placement rate
- Indgående markedsføring
- Indholdsklynge-optimering
- Indholdsmarkedsføring
- Indholdsstrategi
- Influencer
- Influencer Fraud Detection
- Influencer Outreach
- Influencer-marketing
- Inkrementel lift-måling
- Inkrementel lift-måling
- Instagram Reels
- Instagram Story-annoncering
- Instagram-annoncering
- Intelligent Tracking Prevention
- Intent Data
- Interaction Design (IxD)
- Interactive Content
- Interactive email elements
- Interaktionsdesign
- Interessentanalyse
- Interne link-struktur forbedring
- Interne links
- Internet of Things (IoT) Marketing
- Interstitial Ads
- IP-adresser
- Kampagnebudgetoptimering
- Kanonisk tag
- Key Event (Google Analytics 4)
- Key Performance Indicators
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI'er)
- Keyword Cannibalization
- Keyword Expansion
- Keyword stuffing
- Keyword Universe
- Klaviyo
- Klaviyo Abandoned Cart Flow
- Klaviyo automations
- Klaviyo Welcome Flow
- Klikfrekvens (CTR)
- Klyngeanalyse
- Køb af links
- Køberpersona
- Købsadfærdstyper
- Kohort Analyse
- Komparativ analyse
- Konkurrenceanalyse
- Konkurrencestrategi
- Konkurrentanalyse
- Kontekstuel annoncering
- Konverteringsfrekvens
- Konverteringsfrekvensoptimering (CRO)
- Konverteringsrate-optimeringsværktøjer
- Konverteringssporing
- Konverteringssporing
- Konverteringstragt
- Konverteringsværdibaseret budgivning
- Kotters 8-trins model
- KPI Dashboards
- Kundens livstidsværdi (CLV)
- Kundeopbevaringsrate
- Kundeopbevaringsrate
- Kunderejse
- Kvalitetsresultat (PPC)
- Kvalitetsscore-forbedring
- Kvantitativ metode
- Landingsside
- Laswells kommunikationsmodel
- Lead Attribution
- Lead Conversion Rate
- Lead Magnet
- Lead Nurturing
- Lead Scoring
- Lead Velocity Rate
- Lead-plejekampagner
- Leadgenerering
- Leads
- Linear Attribution Model
- Linkbuilding
- Linkbyggings-outreach
- LinkedIn Analytics
- LinkedIn annoncering
- LinkedIn Document Ads
- LinkedIn Lead Ads
- LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms
- LinkedIn Thought Leader Ads
- Linkprofil
- List hygiene
- Livestream Shopping
- Lokal SEO
- Lokationsbaseret budregulering
- Long tail keyword
- Long Tail Keywords
- Lookalike Audiences
- Lookalike-publikum optimering
- Loyalitetsprogrammer
- LTV:CAC Ratio (Lifetime Value to Customer Acquisition Cost)
- Macro-Influencers vs. Micro-Influencers
- Mærkegenkendelse
- Mærkeloyalitet
- Magento
- Makrokonverteringer
- Målgruppe
- Målgruppe-segmentering
- Markedsanalyse
- Markedsføring i søgemaskiner (SEM)
- Markedspenetration
- Market Penetration
- Market Segmentation
- Marketing Automation Workflow
- Marketing bureau
- Marketing Cloud
- Marketing Funnel Optimization
- Marketing Mix Modeling
- Marketing Operations
- Marketing Qualified Account
- Marketing Stack
- Marketingautomatiseringsplatforme
- Marketingkvalificeret lead (MQL)
- Marketingplan
- Matomo
- Measurement ID (Google Analytics 4)
- Metabeskrivelse
- Metatitel
- Metaverse Marketing
- Micro-Moments
- Micro-Moments
- Microinteractions
- Mikrokonvertering
- Mikrokonvertering-sporing
- Minerva Modellen
- Mobil brugervenlighed
- Mobil målretning
- Mobil SEO-strategi
- Mobilannoncering
- Mobile First Index
- Mobile-First Design
- Mobile-First Design
- Mobile-First Indexing
- Moment Marketing
- MQL to SQL Conversion Rate
- Multi-channel messaging orchestration
- Multi-kanal attributionsmodellering
- Multichannel-attributionsmodellering
- Multikanalmarkedsføring
- Multikanaltunneler
- Multivariate Testing
- Mund til mund-marketing
- Off Page SEO
- OKR - Objectives and Key Results
- Omdirigering
- Omni-Channel Experience
- Omnichannel
- Omnichannel Attribution
- Omnichannel Attribution
- Omverdensmodellen
- On-Page SEO
- On-page SEO-tjekliste
- OOH (Out-of-Home) Digital Advertising
- Open Rate
- Optimering af landingssider
- Organisk søgning
- Organisk trafik
- OTT (Over-The-Top) Advertising
- Outbound Links
- Outreach (Marketing)
- Outstream Video Ads
- Overskriftstag
- Page Rank
- Page Speed
- Pagespeed
- Paid Social
- Paid Traffic
- Parallax Scrolling
- Parametermix
- Pay Per Call
- Pay Per Conversion
- Pay Per Lead
- Paywall
- Performance branding framework
- Performance branding KPI'er
- Performance marketing brandeffekt
- Performance Max
- Performance-drevet brandudvikling
- Performance-orienteret brandstrategi
- Performance-to-brand conversion
- Persona
- Persona Skabelon
- Personaliseret produktanbefaling
- Personalization Tokens
- PESO Model (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned Media)
- PESTEL Analyse
- PESTEL Analysis for Digital Markets
- Pinterest Marketing
- Pipedrive
- Pipeline
- Piwik
- Podcast Advertising
- Pop-Under Ads
- Pop-Up Forms
- Porter's Five Forces in Digital Industry Analysis
- Porters værdikæde
- Positioneringskort
- Post-purchase nurture flow
- PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Quality Score
- PR (Public Relations)
- Predictive Analytics
- Predictive Analytics in Marketing
- Predictive email content recommendations
- Predictive Lead Scoring
- Preference center optimization
- Preheader text optimization
- Pressemeddelelse
- Pris pr. klik (CPC)
- Privacy-Centric Measurement (Google Ads)
- Privacy-First Marketing
- Programmatic Direct
- Programmatic Guaranteed
- Programmatic SEO
- Programmatisk markedsføring
- Programmatisk tv-reklamer
- Progressive Enhancement
- Progressive Profiling
- Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
- Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
- Proximitetsmarkedsføring
- Push-notifikationer
- PWA (Progressive Web App) Features
- RACE Planning Framework (Reach, Act, Convert, Engage)
- RankBrain
- Re-engagement campaign strategy
- Real-time email content optimization
- Real-time-budoptimering
- Recency-Frequency-Monetary Analysis
- Reddit Marketing
- Redirect Chains
- Reel
- Referral Traffic
- Regular Expression - Regex (Google Analytics 4)
- Reklamer
- Remarketing
- Reporting Identity (Google Analytics 4)
- Responsive annoncer
- Responsive email templates
- Responsive søgeannonce
- Responsivt design
- Responsivt webdesign
- Retargeting
- Retargeting for mobilapps
- Retargeting Pixels
- Retargeting-segmentering
- Retningslinjer for kvalitetsbedømmelse
- Return on Investment (ROI)
- Revenue Attribution
- RFM Analysis (Recency, Frequency, Monetary)
- RGB vs CMYK in Digital Design
- Rich Media Ads
- Robots.txt
- Robyn (Marketing Mix Modeling)
- ROI-baseret kanalstrategi
- ROI-baseret kanalstrategi
- ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment)
- RTB (Real-Time Bidding) Strategies
- Sales Qualified Account
- Salgsattribuering til brandaktiver
- Salgsattribueringsmodellering
- Salgskonvertering gennem branding
- Salgskvalificeret lead (SQL)
- Salgsmodellering med brandeffekt
- Salgstragt
- Scraping
- Screaming Frog
- Search Impression Share
- Search Targeting
- Second-Party Data
- Seed list testing
- Semantic Search
- Semantisk opmærkning
- SEMRush
- Sentimentanalyse
- SEO-drevet indholdskalender
- SEO-revision
- Sequential Advertising
- SERP (Search Engine Results Page)
- SERP (Search Engine Results Page) Features
- Server-Side Google Tag Manager
- Server-Side Tracking
- Session
- Share of Voice
- Shareable content
- Shitstorm
- Shopify B2B
- Shopify Marketing
- Shopify Markets
- Shopify Plus
- Shopify POS
- Shoporama
- Shoppable Posts
- Shopware
- Sideindtryk
- Sideoplevelse
- Single-Opt In
- Skemamarkering
- Skippable Ads
- Skydeskivemodellen
- Slogan
- Slugs
- Smart Bidding (Google Ads)
- Smart budgivning
- Smartbidding-strategi
- SMOK Modellen
- SMP Modellen
- Smuk modellen
- Snapchat annoncering
- Social CRM
- Social Listening Tools
- Social Media Management Tools
- Social Media Management Tools
- Social Proof
- Social Proof
- Søgealgoritme
- Søgemaskineannoncering
- Søgemaskineoptimering (SEO)
- Søgemaskiner
- Søgeord
- Søgeordsanalyse
- Søgeordsanalyseværktøjer
- Søgeordsforskning
- Søgeordsintentionsanalyse
- Søgeordsmålretning
- Søgeordsplanlægger
- Søgeordssværhedsgrad
- Søgeordstæthed
- Søgningeretargeting
- SoMe-kalender
- SOR modellen
- SPF-record
- Splittest
- Splittest
- Sponsored Posts
- Sponsored Posts
- Sporing
- Sporing på tværs af domæner
- Sporing på tværs af enheder
- Sporingskode
- Sporingspixel
- SSP (Supply-Side Platform) in Ad Tech
- Static Ads
- Static Ads
- Stemme-søgnings-optimering
- Storytelling in Marketing
- Storytelling ROI
- Strukturerede data
- Strukturerede data implementering
- Subject line A/B testing tool
- Subscriber lifecycle mapping
- Subscriber Retention
- SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) in Web Design
- SVG Animation
- SVOD (Subscription Video on Demand)
- Teknisk SEO
- Teknisk SEO-revision
- Thought Leadership
- Tid til interaktion
- Tiktok annoncering
- Tilsløring
- TOFU, MOFU, BOFU (Top, Middle, Bottom of Funnel) Content
- Tone of voice
- Top of Funnel Marketing
- Topdomæne
- TOWS Analyse
- Tragtvisualisering
- Transaktionel e-mail flow
- Tredjeparts-cookies
- Tværenhedskonverteringssporing
- Tværenhedskonverteringssporing
- TVOD (Transactional Video on Demand)
- Væksthacking
- Værdikædeanalyse
- Value Proposition
- Value-Based Bidding (Google Ads)
- VAST (Video Ad Serving Template)
- Videomarkedsføring
- Videosøgeoptimering
- Vildledende Markedsføring
- Viral markedsføring
- Voice Commerce
- Voice Search Optimization
- VPAID (Video Player Ad-Serving Interface Definition)
- VRIO Framework in Digital Strategy